Sunday, December 25, 2005

India - Abashed by Politicians

India- The world's largest democracy as it can be put upon maybe a fact to be rejoiced upon,but what has it resulted in!!!Its become nothing but a country where a pack of people calling themselves politicians do nothing but to fight each other.

Politics as the meaning goes by,is the art of governing.But yes politicians here are experts in it but the fact is, where do they apply those skills.They apply those skills in managing their unaccounted earnings.Thus their unmatchable skills gets unnoticed due to this fact. When someone asks me, "Whom do you rate the best planners and strategists? ";bang will come the reply from me that Indian politicians are unmatched winners.

Politics here is nothing but to behold each other from doing something useful,but that too happens only once in a bluemoon as most of the time goes in fighting each other,henceforth there is barely no time to think about the people.They do sometimes think about the people,their welfare but, that would be the eve of elections.Don't be surprised by the fact that most of the sops are put on hold in abeyance until the eve of elections.Most of the time spent by a newly elected government is to abrogate the previous governments policies and projects.

So what prevents the second most populous country from having good and efficient people governing it.Indians excel anywhere except India.When Indians are able to govern multinational conglomerates then why cannot they govern their own country.The fact is that the deserving candidates are not offered oppurtunity to do so.People here are also to be blamed to a certain extent as they go by the most old policy of caste based politics.

What do you think about the qualification for a person to become a successful politician here? When we take the past history of successful politicians they mostly have one thing in common, they haven't even done their pre-schooling and also have excellent criminal records.Many of these personalities are to be abhorred.But there may be a few exceptions who have an exceptionally sound ground knowledge.Many promises are made only during the election times an as the saying says so
"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some hire public relations officers"

The so called election manifestos are prepared with most care than while devicing policies for the people.It is for this reason or so these manifestos are said to be written in water.They not only aberrate from it but transgress .

So what are we still waiting for? Its time to realise.Think not about the party you vote for but think about the person whom we vote.If done so we can expect ,nothing short of a prosperous and peaceful India.We can not only be the most populous country but a country to be looked upon with awe.

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