'Zune" is here folks....But not so "Soon".....It took Microsoft nearly Four years to realise its folly in predicting wads in store in the future....hm...As always..Let me point a fe instances!!...
-->Guess who told that a meagre 32KB of memory is the maximum, any application in this world requires to run...hmm...Yeah...u guessed it Right...None other than "Bill Gates
-->Internet wasn considered a potential technology(pre 2K) and its growth wud be minimal(Thou many went the same way...that all were surprised the way it grew and continues to.)...
-->Web 2.0..."Oh Man..Come on thats not going to work out".....hm..But they were soon enough to formally inaugurate it even in India on Nov9...(under the auspices of Mandira Bedi)...haha...
-->Online Spreadsheets(Google introduced)....."Come on man they are crazy"...But soon Microsoft office was put up....
Following the footsteps Microsoft Zune was formally launched today only to get critics comment on it. Moreover some of them make Microsoft a Laughing Stock...Only to expose that it was particular in delivering the product for matching its rivals in terms of quantity but not "Quality"...The main rival here is iPod which has become a household name and even Sony Corp. Tried in vain only to declare its defeat!...
So here's the Laughing Stock
1. Microsoft Zune ....would work only in "Windows Xp" but not in "Windows Vista"...Thats really Cool...So we might have to look out for some third party vendors to create it soon enough..
"Maybe even the Developers of Zune were'nt given Access to its propreitery Vista's code"..Lol
2.It does not Synchronise with "Windows Media Player 11".Thank God...iPod supports all version of iTunes.
3. Bill Gates expression to the fact that Microsoft signed a multi milion dollor deal with a popular Music Content provider was "hm...is that so"...
So Why Cannot it Dent iPOD?
Microsoft's Zune music player has little or no chance of denting Apple's iPod juggernaut and contrary to all the digital ink spilled on product comparisons and reviews most of the reasons are strategic. Apple has built up quite a moat around its iPod business.
Bottom line: Even if Microsoft's Zune is just a first volley,it has a tough road ahead.
ONE : Apple has managed to integrate the iPod into daily life. Today Apple announced it is partnering with Air France, Continental, Delta, Emirates, KLM and United integrate the iPod with in-flight entertainment systems. This development builds on an August integration deal with Ford, General Motors and Mazda and a January partnership with Chrysler. Overall, Apple has wormed the iPod into 70 percent of 2007-model automobiles.
TWO: Apple has critical mass to thwart new features on the Zune. The most interesting feature of the Zune is the ability to wirelessly share and download music.
"There won't be enough Zune users to make this feature really sing".
Apple has sold more than 70 million iPods. It could copy Zune's wireless feature and make a huge impact instantly. "The Zune's most talked about differentiator, wireless sharing with other Zunes, will not turn out to be a significant selling point. If, at some point, there are millions of Zunes in the market, the wireless sharing capability may prove to be a more compelling feature.
THREE: Content partnerships. Speaking of critical mass, Apple has lined up more video and music deals with iTunes relative to Zune's market place. While this moat is formidable it may be the easiest to overcome. Why? The entertainment industry is wary of Apple's clout and it can't hurt to have another big player as a counterbalance. The customer experience may be a little harder for Zune to conquer.
FOUR: The grandmother effect. Ask your grandmom about the iPod and you'll get a response. That state of affairs has taken years of marketing to cultivate. The Zune? Still confined to geekdom and one swell launch party isn't going to close the gap soon.
FIVE: The halo effect (or lack of it). If you believe in Apple's so-called halo effect, which dictates that iPod sales lead to Mac sales the reverse could be true with Microsoft. It's the holiday season and Vista's delay is likely to hamper PC sales. Will that impact Zune sales?
But Folks...That was Really an Awesome Attempt made by Microsoft to Dent iPod...But not Atleast for now..Just play it Safe!!..Kudos To Microsoft!...Hope Bill will succeed his usual way to impose Billings on Us ,To Build and Increase the Vastness of his empire and extend his clutches to all walks of our life!!!